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Governments, IGOs & NGOs


In remote and demanding environments, access to high-quality and safe medical supplies is often compromised by distance, limited medical expertise and constrained logistics infrastructure.

For humanitarian organisations delivering health services to vulnerable communities, or working to strengthen healthcare systems, this poses a major challenge. What is needed is access to quality products, in a cost-effective manner, in adherence with international and national regulations. This will in turn deliver the required health impact and ultimately save lives.

The same accounts for managing multiple suppliers regionally or internationally while ensuring efficient freight solutions and operational excellence, which is often challenged by delays, rerouting and unexpected cost increases.

We serve national governments, IGOs and NGOs globally, with their large-scale and multi-country projects in often complex environments. We have the capability to supply pharmaceuticals, vaccines, surgical and medical equipment, medical consumables, first aid supplies, medical infrastructure and medical kits worldwide.


International SOS has extensive experience in the provision of medical supplies to governments, Inter-Governmental Organisations such as NATO and a number of UN agencies as well as Non-Governmental Organisations, from national to state level.

Quality and Expertise quality and expertise

We provide products and services that meet the WHO Model Quality Assurance System and fulfil our partners’ needs.

We leverage our quality-led governance approach, and the necessary resources, to deploy and sustain our quality management system.

We adhere to Good Distribution Practices, Good Manufacturing Practices and other applicable regulations as they evolve.

At the core of our capability sits a highly trained team of professionals, including appointed Responsible Pharmacists, and Biomedical Engineers. Together they ensure unrivalled standards of medical expertise and clinical governance.

