The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s growing, and diversifying economy has created an enticing environment for foreign workers and global organisations. Due to flourishing industries such as industrial and manufacturing, health and safety have become more prevalent in operational compliance in the country. In 2005, the country issued the Labor Law to identify specific health and safety procedures that employers must adhere to, regardless of their specific sector.
Alongside the country’s robust 2030 Vision, the growing investment in health expenditure is the highest amongst the Gulf Cooperation Council with it being 5.23% of their GDP in 20173. The countries healthcare system is managed by the Ministry of Health with primary, secondary and tertiary health care services run by the government of Saudi Arabia.
The country’s notable health risks being ischemic heart disease, road injuries and stroke account for the three main causes of death in 20194. Overall, non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are estimated to account for 73% of all deaths5 with the top risk factors being physical inactivity, obesity and high blood pressure. These risks combined with specific workplace health and safety threats pose challenges for organisations to ensure their employees are not only physically fit to work but are supported, motivated and empowered to do their jobs. The preventative measures encompass an organisation’s Duty of Care and in turn ensures resilient business operations.
In addition to the general Duty of Care, employers in KSA are expected to manage and implement their Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) management systems according to a specific framework. Employers are also expected to adopt several other measures with regards to the maintenance of a healthy and safe workplace.
This document provides the current Occupational Health and Safety and workplace challenges in KSA, suggests a framework of regulations, requirements and best practices in order for organisations to protect their workforce and improve productivity.

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[3] The World Bank.
[4] Saudi Arabia Health Data.
[5] WHO Country Profile.